Linux System Logs: How Do They Work

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Linux logging

Learning how Linux system logs work is critical to both system administrators and hackers alike as it is the main tool for tracking and monitoring what is happening on a Linux system. How else can you learn to defend a Linux system if you don’t understand it’s inner workings and conversely, as a hacker, how can you successfully break into something if you don’t actually know what it is that you are breaking into (Duh?).

In this article Secur is going to help answer a number of Linux log questions so you don’t, as they say, fall victim to a resume creating event. These questions include:

  • What is the Linux system log?
  • How Linux logging works?
  • How do you configure Linux logs?
  • Where are Linux system logs stored?
  • Linux logging best practices
  • How do you manage and monitor Linux system logs?

What is the Linux System Log?

The various parts of the built in Linux logging system records almost all actions (especially errors and security alerts) that take place on your system and provides administrators with a great resource in analyzing system activities. Log files provide evidence of all system activity, including unauthorized access, so these files can provide evidence of hacker intrusions so you need to understand how to these files can be manipulated in order to obfuscate intrusions. The Linux logging system records information based on the series of configurable rules and can be tampered with by intruders so it is important to understand how the system functions.

How Linux Logging Works

Developed in the mid-1980s, syslog created by Eric Allman, became a standard for logging system and application events in Linux and its big brother, Unix. What made the syslog protocol popular is that it defined a standard message format specifying the details of an event, useable by the operating system, applications, and error generating devices. This format includes:
  • Timestamp
  • Type
    • The type of event is referred to as a facility value and defines what is generating the event message.  You can read more about the the message formatting in the in the rsyslog rule formatting portion of the article.
  • Severity
  • Details of an event.
There are main linux logging applications Rsyslog: Wit the “r” in the name standing for “rocket fast”, speed is the name of the game for rsyslog and the rsyslog application is the standard logging package for many Linux distributions. Systemd-journald: As you can guess by its name, this is part of the Systemd application for system startup and initialization. While many Linux distributions use this for logging, it obviously uses a completely different way of reporting and storing system and application events compared to Rsyslog because no one ever wants to make life easy for Linux system users. We are going to spend sometime taking a look at both logging applications as you are likely to encounter them in the wild, either as a system defender or when you attempt to break into the banking system of some emerging country.

The rsyslog Logging Daemon

Linux uses a daemon (A daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. The process names of a daemon end with the letter d, for clarification that the process is in fact a daemon, and for differentiation between a daemon and a normal computer program) called syslogd to log events on your system. It is important to note that there are several variations of syslog depending on the Linux distribution you are using that have some minor variations in function and design, so what we cover here (using a Debian based system) may not apply on your system, including rsyslog and syslog-ng, are used on different distributions of Linux. One of the first things to know about rsyslog is that it is pervasive across your Linux system, so you need to figure out which one to work with, so use the locate function to find the “rsyslog.conf” file as seen in the screenshot below.
locating rsyslog in linux
Locating the rsyslog.conf file in Linux.

How Do You Configure Linux Logs?

The rsyslog Configuration File

The rsyslog system uses the rsyslogd program to monitor events and, like most applications in Linux, is managed by a plaintext configuration file named “rsyslog.conf” located in the /etc directory. We will open that file in the Nano editor with the following command:
nano /etc/rsyslog.conf
The configuration file contains rules that define how the program handles syslog events received from the system, kernel, or applications. The format of an rsyslogd rule is as follows: facility.priority action
After the command runs, the configuration file will be open and you should see something that looks like this:
rsyslog configuration file
Opening the “rsyslog.conf” file in nano text editor.
The rsyslog.conf file is well documented and is self explanatory.  The main area of focus for us is going to be the Rules section.

The rsyslog Logging Rules

The logging rules in the rsyslog.conf file determine:
  • The information is logged;
  • Which pro­grams have their messages logged; and,
  • Where logs are stored. 
As system administrator, be aware that any decent hacker, will look to target these rules to modify what the system is logging when they are attacking your system.   Scrolling down the rsyslog.conf file to the rules section, you will see the following:
rules section of the rsyslog.conf file
The “Rules” section of the rsyslog.conf file.
Each line of the rsyslog.conf file is a separate logging rule that determines which and where messages are logged.

rsyslog Rule Formatting

The basic rule format is:
facility.priority                  action
The term “facility” indicates the Linux program, (e.g. mail, authentication, kernel) whose messages we want logged.  The term “priority” determines what kind of messages to log for that program (programs generate different level of messages to indicate the severity of an error). The “action” keyword tell you where the log is stored. 
Understanding the Facility Portion
The facility term refers to the application which is generating a particular log file and may refer to any of the following applications:
0kernMessages generated by the system kernel.
1userMessages generated by user events
2mailMessages from a mail application
3daemonMessages from system applications running in background
4authSecurity or authentication messages
5syslogMessages generated by the logging application itself
6lprPrinter messages
7newsMessages from the news application
8uucpMessages from the Unix-to-Unix copy program
9cronMessages generated from the cron job scheduler
10authprivSecurity or authentication messages
11ftpFile Transfer Protocol application messages
12ntpNetwork Time Protocol application messages
13securityLog audit messages
14consoleLog alert messages
15solaris-cronAnother scheduling daemon message type
16-23local0-local7Locally defined messages
In some rsyslog.conf files, the rule section may have an asterisk wildcard (*) in place of a word refers to all facilities.   Additionally, you can select more than one facility by listing them separated by a comma.
Understanding the Priority Portion
Priority tells the Linux logging system which levels of messages to record. Messages have a range of priority, ranging from “debug“, which has the lowest priority, to “panic” which has the highest priority, while if the priority of a facility is “*“, all messages get logged.  When spec­ifying a priority,  you Linux system logs all messages of that priority and higher (if you specify a priority code of “err“, the system logs messages classified as “err“, “criticism“, “alert“, “emerge, and “panic“).  The full list of valid codes for priority, in ascending order are:
0emergAn event that causes the system to be unusable.
1alertAn event that requires immediate attention.
2critAn event that is critical but doesn’t require immediate attention.
3errAn error condition that allows the system or application to continue.
4warningA non-normal warning condition in the system or application.
5noticeA normal but significant condition message.
6infoAn informational message from the system.
7debugDebugging messages for developers.
The following codes have been deprecated:
  • warn
  • error
  • err
  • emerg (depends where you read)
  • panic
Understanding the Action Portion
The action is usually a filename /location where the logs are recorded, usually being in the /var/log directory with a filename that describes the facility that generated them, such as mail and would be sent to /var/log.mail.log.

Log Rule Examples

mail.* /var/log/mail This rule logs all mail events, regardless of priority to /var/log/mail. kern.crit /var/log/kernel This example will log kernel events of critical (crit) priority or higher to /var/log/kernel.  *.emerg * This logs all events of the emergency (emerg) priority to all logged­ on users. By modifying these rules, a system intruder can determine where the log files are located, change the priorities, or even disable specific logging rules.

How to Manage and Monitor Linux system Logs

logrotate: Managing Logs

If left unattended, log files constantly fill up, taking up an ever increasing amount of space, eventually the entire hard drive.  Alternatively, deleting log files too frequently means logs may be unable to be used in investigations at some future point in time.  The Linux command “logrotate” can help deal with this situation;  log rotation is the process of moving logs to a new location for the purpose of archiving them and a fresh log file. That archived loca­tion gets cleaned up after a specified period of time. Most Linux systems regularly rotate their log files based on a cron job that triggers the execution of the logrotate utility.

Viewing the logroate.conf File

The logrotate.conf file chooses the frequency with which your system rotates its logs. You can configure the logrotate utility to choose the regu­ larity of your log rotation with the /etc/logrotate.conf text file. Let’s open it with a text editor and take a look:
view of the logrotate.conf file
Viewing the /etc/logrotate.conf file.
In the image above, you should attempt to understand that:
  • Log files are rotated weekly, this is the default setting;
  • 4 weeks worth of backlogs are kept.  You can extend this to 52 if you want to keep them for a year;
  • Linux creates new (empty) log files after rotating old ones.  and,
  • You can also choose to compress your rotated log filesx; and
  • When rotated, log files are renamed and pushed toward the end of the chain of logs as a new log file is created, replacing the current log file. For instance, /var/log.auth will become /var/log.auth.1, then /var/log.auth.2, and so on. If you rotate logs every four weeks and keep four set of backups, you will have /var/log.auth.4, but no /var/log.auth.5, meaningthat /var/log.auth.4 will be deleted rather than being pushed to /var/log/ auth.5.

Discovering Intruders

Once a hacker compromises a Linux system,  the often disable logging in order remove any evidence of intrusion in the log files thereby reduces the chances of detection. This can be done a number of ways.

Removing Evidence

Hackers may  want to remove any logs of their activity. They could simply open the log files and precisely remove, line by line, remove any logs detailing  activity. However, this could be time­consuming and leave time gaps in the log files, which would look suspicious. Also, deleted files can generally be recovered by a skilled forensic investigator.

Shred’ing Files

A more secure solution to get rid of log files is to shred them.  Since it is possible to recover delete files, you need a way increase the difficulty of file recovery by overwriting the deleted files it several times, making it much harder to recover as the more times the file is overwritten, the harder it is to recover.  The “shred” command does just this. In its most basic form, the shred’s syntax is :
The “shred” command deletes the file and overwrite it 4 times by default; keep in mind that each overwrite takes time, so for very large files, shredding may become time­ consuming.
The linux
Shredding the auth logs with the “shred” command.
As you can see from the screen shot above, the command has a number of flags:
  • “-f ” option: Which changes the file permissions on the files to allow them to be overwritten; and,
  • The “–n” option: which lets you choose how many times to overwrite the files. As an example, we’ll shred the log files in /var/log/auth.log 7 times, and
  • The path of the file we want to shred, we include the wildcard asterisk so we’re shredding not just the auth.log file, but also any logs that have been created with logrotate, such as auth.log.1, auth.log.2, and so on.
As you can see, when you open the folder, it is gibberish.  Now if the security engineer or forensic investigator examines the log files, they will find nothing of use because none of it is recoverable.

Disabling Logging

Another option used covering  tracks is to simply disable logging. When a hacker takes control of a system, they could immediately disable logging to prevent the system from keeping track of their activities. This, of course, requires root privileges.  To disable all logging, the hacker could simply stop the rsyslog daemon. Stopping any service in Linux uses the same syntax, shown here:
service rsyslog stop
Now Linux will not generate log files until the service is restarted, enabling a hacker to operate without leaving behind any evidence in the log files.

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