Understanding Network Management Documentation

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The biggest favor we can do for ourselves and future co-workers is developing and maintained documentation

Wire Schemes

  • Wiring infrastructure info
  • PIN standards
  • Types/Cat Cable
  • Cable Maps/DiagramsWhere do cables run? Are there repeaters? Wiring closets
  • Need this info if we want to expand.

Cable Management

  • Neatness
  • Visually appealing
  • Aids in visual identification
  • Improves Cooling
  • Safety – avoid tripping on long cables

Network Maps

  • Physical (blueprint) and Logical Layouts (how data flows).
    • Network may look like a star, but the logical topology could be a ring.
  • IP address, Devices, VLNs, topology, Port maps.
  • Use in conjunction with wiring schemes.


The larger the organization is, the more scattered documentation becomes.  Documentation typically includes:

  • Network topology
  • Server rules
  • Logins/Device configurations
  • Port layouts
  • Firewall rules

Asset Management

  • Manage and keep accountable.   The larger an organization gets, the more problematic asset tracking gets.
  • Accountability for physical devices.
    • Get people to sign for the devices
  • Device serial numbers/bar codes.
  • Database to track devices
  • Login information for devices
  • Keep devices secure and up to date.
  • Track warranties


  • Reference points for normal level of functioning.
  • Should be updated and standardized regularly
  • Network throughput/traffic
  • Data sent/received
  • Create with network capture or performance monitoring (Windows monitoring Tool)

Change Management

  • How to handle modifications
    • Need sign off from multiple levels of administration
    • Prioritize requirements
  • Approval cycle
    • Is the equipment compatible
  • Test Implementation
  • Documentation/Accountability

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