How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux

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Linux file management

Learning how to manage files, directories and text in Linux means one thing and one thing only, learning to love the command line.  Learning how to manage files, directories and text in Linux  means knowing and understanding a wide range of text-based commands, which are actually programs, that you will uses on a regular basis in your job.

Secur’s objective is to get you up to speed on basic Linux commands used for managing files and directories, reviewing text files, and finding information, so boot up your favorite Linux distro and follow along.

Handling Files and Directories

First things first, let’s tackle how to manage files and directories.  Linux systems store files within a virtual directory, a single base directory usually called root, which contains files from all the computer’s storage devices.  Directories (aka folders) are a special file type used to locate other files; Files for which a directory is responsible has some of their metadata stored within the directory file, including:

  • The file’s name
  • The file’s index/inode number.

This information allows a file to be located via its managing directory.  As your first step to learning Linux, Secur will teach you how to use the command line in order to:

  • View, create, delete copy and move files
  • Linking Files
  • Navigating the virtual directory structure
  • Create and remove directories.

RULE #1 for any Linux Commands: The brackets indicate that switches/options/flags are optional.

RULE #2: Run “man” in order to find a particular command’s syntax structure and look in the Synopsis section. 

Creating and Viewing Files

Creating Files

The screen capture below demonstrate (see the orange boxes):

  • The touch command allows the creation of empty files. This command’s primary purpose in life is to update a file’s timestamps—access and modification.
  • Using the “mkdir” to create a directory or subdirectory in your present working directory; use an absolute directory reference to build a directory in a different location.  Remember that a subdirectory cannot be created without its parent directory existing.  Using “mkdir” with with the  “-p” option allows you to create a subdirectory and its parent simultaneously.
How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux: viewing and creating files
The orange box highlights the use of the "touch" and "mkdir" commands. Running "ls" shows the newly created file and directory.

Viewing Files

Probably the most basic and commonly use command is list, the most basic command for viewing a file’s name and its various metadata, information that describes and provides additional details about data.   Using the command looks like this:

ls [OPTION]… [FILE]…

[OPTION]: there are various options/switches you can add to modify the displayed  file metadata.

[FILE]:  The directory/file name that you want to interrogate with the command.

As shown in the image below, issuing the ls command with no additional arguments or options displays all the files’ and subdirectories’ names within the present working directory.

ls command linux: How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux
Using the "ls" command in Linux.

Displaying more than file and directory name metadata information requires adding various options to the ls command.   The table below outlines a number of options you will use often in your day to day work.

Short Form
Long Form
-a–allDisplay all file and subdirectory names, including hidden
-d–directoryShow a directory’s own metadata instead of its contents.
-F–classifyClassify each file’s type using an indicator code (*,/,=,>,@, or |).
-i–inodeDisplay all file and subdirectory names along with their associated
index number.
-lList file and subdirectory metadata in long form, which includes
file type, file access permissions, hard link count, file owner, file’s
group, modification date and time, and file name. Some distributions
include -ll as an alias for the ls -l command.
-R Recursively show a directory’s contents, and for any subdirectory
within the original directory tree, consecutively show their contents
as well.

These commands can be used in combination for example the  “-lh” option combination makes the file size more human-readable.

Copying and Moving Files

Knowing how to manage files, directories and text in Linux involves knowing how to copy, move, and rename files/directories as they are Linux skills 101 and you will be laughed at if you don’t understand the nuances of the commands.  The syntax for copying a file, either locally or to another directory looks like:
cp [OPTION]…
While the source (SOURCE) and destination (DEST – a file or folder destination) are required, as shown in the image below, the command options, are not required, well because they are optional 😉
How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux: Cp command Linux
Demonstration of the "cp" in Linux Kali

If you use the “cp” command and the destination file name is missing, the source file will not be copied and you earn yourself an error message.  There are several useful “cp” command options, many of which prevent you from overwriting a file or its permissions.

Short Option Long OptionDescription
-a–archivesPerform a recursive copy and keep all the files’
original attributes, such as permissions, ownership, and timestamps.
-f–forceOverwrite any preexisting destination files with same
name as DEST.
-i–interactiveAsk before overwriting any preexisting destination files
with same name as DEST.
-n–no-clobberDo not overwrite any preexisting destination files with
same name as DEST.
-R/-r–recursiveCopy a directory’s contents, and for any subdirectory
within the original directory tree, consecutively copy
its contents as well (recursive).
-u–updateOnly overwrite preexisting destination files with the
same name as DEST, if the source file is newer.
-v–verboseProvide detailed command action information as
command executes.

Copying a directory requires the addition of the “-R/-r” option to the cp command which executes a recursive copy that:

  • Creates a new directory,
  • Copies files the source directory manages including, source directory subdirectories, and their files as well.

As seen in the image below, copying test_folder_1 without the “-r” option fails.  When run properly, the “cp -R” command creates a copy of the folder and any subdocuments, so test_folder_1 and copy_of test_folder_1 have the exact same structure and files.

recursive cp command linux
Demonstration of both the unsuccessful and successful copying of a directory using the "cp" command.

To move/ rename either a file or directory locally, use the “mv” command with the following basic syntax:


You can move a file and rename it all in one simple mv command, replace the SOURCE with the file’s current directory reference and current name and DEST uses the file’s new location as well as its new name.  The “mv” command options are similar, but fewer than the cp command options.   You can see the complete list of options on the command’s man page.

-f–forceOverwrite any preexisting destination
files with same name as DEST.
-i–interactiveAsk before overwriting any preexisting
destination files with the same name as
-n–no-clobberDo not overwrite any preexisting
destination files with the same name
as DEST.
-u–updateOnly overwrite preexisting destination
files with the same name as DEST if
the source file is newer.
-v–verboseProvide detailed command action
information as command executes.

An example of renaming a file using the -i option can be seen in the image below.

How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux: mv command copy file linux
Using the "mv" command in interactive mode to copy a text file.

For speedy copies of big files/large groups of files, consider using remote sync “rsync” utility is rather useful. This tool is often used to create backups, can securely copy files over a network, and is accessed via the rsync command.  When copying files to a remote host, the file transfer process should be encrypted.  The rsync command syntax is similar to the “mv” command’s syntax. It is as follows:


When the copy is complete, the utility outputs useful information, such as the data transfer rate and often displays a speedup rating in its output related to conducting synchronized backups.   When using the rsync command to conduct periodic backups, the speedup rating lets you know how many files did not need to be copied because they had not been modified and were already backed up.

-a–archiveUse archive mode. Is the equivalent to using
the “-rlptgoD” options which is the rsync
command option for creating directory tree
-DRetain device and special files.
-g–groupRetain file’s group.
-h–human-readableDisplay any numeric output in
a human-readable format.
-l–linksCopy symbolic links as symbolic links.
-o–ownerRetain file’s owner.
-p–permsRetain file’s permissions.
–progressDisplay progression of file copy process.
-r–recursiveCopy a directory’s contents, and for any
subdirectory within the original directory
tree, consecutively copy its contents as
well (recursive).
–statsDisplay detailed file transfer statistics.
-t–timesRetain file’s modification time.
-v–verboseProvide detailed command action
information as command executes.

Removing Files

Keeping things need makes managing Linux files and directories much easier for both yourself and anyone else who takes over your work.  This housekeeping work starts with removing unneeded files and directories with the “rm” command and its associated switches all the while avoid mistakes in removing.  The most used deletion utility is the “rm” command; its syntax is as follows:

rm [OPTION] Filename

A good rule is to always a good idea to use the -i (or ––interactive) option to ensure that you are not deleting the wrong file without confirming your intentions.  Some of the “rm” command commonly used options can be found in the table below.

-d–dirDelete any empty directories.
-f–forceContinue on with the deletion process, even
if some files designated by the command for
removal do not exist, and do not ask prior to
deleting any existing files.
-i–interactiveAsk before deleting any existing files
-IAsk before deleting more than three files,
or when using the -r option.
-R/-r–recursiveDelete a directory’s contents, and for any
subdirectory within the original directory
tree, consecutively delete its contents
and the subdirectory as well (recursive).
-v–verboseProvide detailed command action information as command executes.

Removing a non-empty directory requires add the “-R/-r” option (remember to use the “-i” option as well)  in order for the directory and the files/directories it contains/manages to be deleted.  When deleting lots of files to delete, use the “-I” option rather than “-i” switch as it will ask before deleting more than three files and  when you delete a directory full of files with a recursive switches.  The image below shows the removal of files with both the “-i” and “-I” options.   Notices the difference in the interaction.

How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux: rm remove directory
Screenshot of interactively removing directories with the "rm -i" and "rm -I" commands

When looking to deleting an empty directory, meaning a directory containing no files, use “rmdir” the remove empty directories tool, using the rmdir command.  Other switches you could use are:

-v/––verbose: Lists out activities of the command

-p/––parents: Used to remove a directory tree, which is free of files but contains empty subdirectories.  You must also provide the entire directory tree name as an argument.

-d/(or ––dir): Removes just the empty directories from a directory tree.  Requires using the “rm” command rather than the “rmdir” command

Linking Files and Directories

Links add flexibility to Linux filesystems because, as anyone who has ever written a word about Linux tells you, everything is a file.  There are two types of links in a Linux filesystem links: hard and soft.  While used to solve similar issues, the difference between the types of links is large, but both provide multiple directory entries/references to a single file.

Most applications link to libraries using a generic names and only a major version number in the link name, while the link pointing to the actual library file also has a minor version number. In other situations, required files get moved from one directory to another due to the specifications of the Linux file filesystem, and the links in the old directories required for backwards compatibility with those programs that have not updated to the new locations. If you do a long listing of the /lib64 directory, you can find examples of linking.

file linking linux
File linking in the lib64 directory.

The long listing of the /lib64 directory above shows that the first character in the filemode is the letter “l,” which means that each is a soft or symbolic link.

Hard links

Now you will finally understand the significance of the often repeated mantra that “Linux and other Unix-like Operating systems maintain consistency by treating everything, including hardware, as a file. These file contain data and metadata such as their size, ownership, permissions, timestamp etc. This metadata is managed with a data structure known as an inode (index node). Each Linux file has one inode containing metadata information about that file, including the location of the data belonging to that file. Every file must have at least one directory entry that points to the inode describing the file. The directory entry is a hard link, thus every file has at least one hard link.

inode structure
Multiple directory entries point to a single inode. These are all hard links and note that the fourth directory entry is in a completely different directory, /home/shared.

As inode numbers are unique within individual filesystem, hard links are limited to files contained within that filesystem (by definition, a partition or logical volume (LV) that is mounted on a specified mount point). So a computer with different filesystem, mounted at /home, /var and /opt duplicates its inodes numbers

As all the hard links point to a single inode containing the file’s metadata  as these attributes are part of the file (and cannot be different for each hard link), such as :

  • File type: regular file, directory, pipe etc.
  • Permissions to that file: read, write, execute
  • Link count: The number of hard link relative to an inode
  • User ID: owner of file
  • Group ID: group owner
  • Size of file: or major/minor number in case of some special files
  • Time stamp: access time, modification time and (inode) change time
  • Attributes: immutable’ for example
  • Access control list: permissions for special users/groups
  • Link to location of file
  • Other metadata about the file

The file name is the only attribute which can be different and is not contained in the inode. Since there can be no duplication of file names within a single directory, hard links to a single file/inode located in the same directory must have different names,

The number of hard links for a file is displayed with the ls -l command. If you want to display the actual inode numbers, the command ls -li does that.

Establishing a Hard Link

A hard link is a file or directory that has one index (inode) number but involves having least two different file names. Having a single inode number means that it is a single data file on the filesystem. Having two or more names means the file can be accessed in multiple ways.  The diagram below shows that although physically one file, it has two names; a hard link has been created and has two file names and one inode number, meaning there is one filesystem location on the disk partition.

Linux Hard Links
Example of a single inode having two file names via hard links in Linux.

Hard linking allows for the creation of a pseudo-copy of a file without  copying its data and is often used in file backups when there not enough filesystem space.  If one of the file’s names gets deleted, you still have another file name that links to the same data.

To create a hard link, use the ln command.   For hard links, the original file must exist prior to issuing the ln command. The linked file must not exist.

linked file linux
Using the “ln” command to create a linked file and the “ls” command with various flags to show file meta data and the inode number.

In the image above firstfile.txt, created prior to the hard linking, is linked to Hard_linked_file.txt by the “ln” command.  The Hard_linked_file.txt is actually created by the linking process and when the inode numbers for these files are checked with the “ls -i” command, and you notice they are the identical for the hard linked files.
Another thing to check are link counts with the “ls -og” command, the file’s metadata is displayed, which includes file type, permissions, link counts, file size, creation dates, and file names.

Notice that both files have a link count of 2 as they each hard linked to one other file; a file with no hard links a link count of 1 because it is not hard linked to another file.  You can remove a linked file by using the “unlink” command with the following syntax:


Symbolic (soft) links

Soft/symbolic links point to a directory entry (one of the hard links) and not the inode; they are not dependent upon the inode number and can work across filesystems, spanning partitions and logical volumes

The downside to this is: If the hard link to which the symlink points is deleted or renamed, the softlink no longer functions as it points to a non existent hard link. The “ls” command highlights broken links with flashing white text on a red background in a long listing.

Constructing a Soft Link

Typically, soft link files point to a file residing on another filesystem.  When working with soft links, remember the following:

  • The original file must exist before you issue the ln -s command.
  • The second file name, the soft linked file, listed in the ln -s command must not exist prior to issuing the command.  It is created when the command is issued
  • An original file and its soft links do not share the same inode number because they do not point to the same data.
  • An original file and its soft links do not share the same data.
  • An original file and any of its soft links can exist in different directories.
  • An original file and its softs links can exist in different filesystems.
  • Stale links/dead links can be a serious security problem; Occurs when a soft link points to a file that was deleted or moved. If a new and possibly malicious file with the original file’s name and location is created, the soft link now points to that new file, which can compromise your system’s security.

To create a symbolic link, the ln command is used with the -s (or ––symbolic) option.

soft linking files linux
Using the “ln -s” command to soft link files.

In the screenshot, you can see that when you execute the the “ls -li” command soft linked files have different inode numbers and do not experience a link count increase as a result of the linkage.   In some situations,  you have a soft linked file p to another soft linked file and in order to find the final file, use the “readlink -f” command with one of the soft linked file names as an argument to it; the utility displays the final file’s name and directory location.

Reading Files

Linux systems contain many text files and. They include configuration files, log files, data files, and so on. Understanding how to view these files is a basic but important skill. In the fol- lowing sections, we’ll explore several utilities you can use to read text files.

Reading Entire Text Files

Learning how to manage files, directories and text in Linux means reading a lot of files.  Although  primarily used to join and display text files, the basic file reading utility is the concatenate (“cat“) command.   The syntax to view a small text file is:

cat [OPTION]

The -“n/–number” option for the “cat” command displays line numbers along with the file text.

The “pr” command, originally used to format text files for printing is useful to view entire text files, especially when you need some special formatting. To view a  text file, use the following basic syntax:

pr [OPTION]…

The table below lists some commonly used options for the “pr” command.

Display the file(s) in column format, using
n columns.
-l n–length=nChange the default 66-line page length to
n lines long.
-m–mergeWhen displaying multiple files, display them
in parallel, with one file in each column, and
truncate the files’ lines.
-s c–separator=cChange the default column separator from
tab to c.
-t–omit-headerDo not display any file header or trailers.
Only shows the text.
-w n–width=nChange the default 72-character page
width to n characters wide. The -s option
overrides this setting.

Use the page length option, -l (or ––length), to shorten the file’s page length when viewing a short single file as if you don’t, the text scrolls off the screen.  As seen in the image below, you can quickly view the files side by side. In this case, it is useful to employ the -m (or ––merge) option, as shown in Listing 3.24.
Listing 3.24: Using the pr command to display two files

If you want to display two files side by side and you do not care how sloppy the output is, you can use the paste command. Just like school paste, it will glue them together but not necessarily be pretty.  When a text file is larger than your output screen, if you use commands such as the cat and pr commands, text may scroll off the screen. This can be annoying. Fortunately, there are several utilities that allow you to read portions of a text file, which are covered next.

pr merge command linux
Using the “pr -mtl” command to read two files.

Reading Text File Portions

Using the “cat” command to read a single file line or a small portion of a file, is quite akward and you are better off using the “grep” tool, which helps you find a file lines containing specific strings of  text strings.   The basic syntax for the grep command is:


Use the string for the PATTERN in the commands’ syntax when you search for a particular text string, and the file you are searching in as the FILE_NAME.   When using the “grep” command to find a file line, be aware that is case sensitive, so if the string you enter does not match a string exactly, which includes case, within the target file, the command returns nothing.  You can resolve this issue with the  “-i/–ignore-case” switch,  enabling grep to search for any instance of the string.  The image below demonstrates this case sensitivity when looking for the term “File” in the fuse.conf file.

grep command linux
Demonstration of the case sensitive nature of the “grep” command.

The “head” command is tool for displaying portions (by default, the command displays the first 10 lines) of a text file and its syntax is:

head [OPTION]… [FILE]…

The “-n/–lines=xx” option allows you to override the default behavior of only displaying a file’s first 10 lines.

head command linux
Use of the “head” command with various options in Linux.

In the image above, we used the -n 4 option with the head command display only the  first 4 lines of the fuse.conf.   We also eliminated the file’s bottom lines by using a negative number (-5)  with the “-n/–lines=xx” option, so we displayed all the file’s lines except the last 5 lines.

Display the last lines of a file requires using the “tail” utility and it usage syntax is  similar to the head command:

tail [OPTION]… [FILE]…

As you can see in the image below, similar to  the head command,  “tail” shows a file’s last 10 text lines, which can be modified with the “-n/–lines=xx” option, telling tail how many lines from the file’s bottom to display (3 in the image below).  Adding a plus sign “+”  in front of the argument instructs the tail utility to display the file’s text lines starting at the indicated line number to the end of the file’s end (started at line 10 in the image below).

tail command linux
Using the tail command with the “-n” option.

The tail command with the “-f /–follow” allows you to watch log files in real time as new messages get appended to the file’s bottom. Watching new messages as they are added is handy.  Upon entry of the command, you see a few recent log file entries immediately and additional messages as they are being added to the log file.  End the log monitoring session using tail, you must use the Ctrl+C key combination.

Some Linux distributions have modified the location of log files now record messages are kept in a journal file managed by journald.   In order to watch these journal file, use the “journalctl –follow” command.

Reading Text File Pages

There are a number of ways to read text files in Linux; one of the way is by using a pager utility which allows the viewing of  one text page at a time as well as moving through the text.  The “more” and “less” utilities.
Though simple, the “more” utility is quite useful (Although you cannot move backward through a file); You move forward through a text file by pressing the spacebar to move one page down or the Enter key to move one line down.

Linux More Command
Usage of the “more” command in Linux to page through a file.

The “more” utility displays how far along you are on the screen’s bottom and any time you wish to exit from “more” pager, press the “q” key, even if you have reached the end of the file. Used as the default by the Linux man, the “less” utility is more functional than “more” (get it, “less is more”?) as it has the added functionality of allowing you to move backward through the file.

Since it does not read the entire file when it displays its first page , the less page utility allows faster file traversal.  The up and down arrow keys can be used to  traverse the file as well as the spacebar to move forward a page and the Esc+V key combination to move backward a page.  Searching for a particular word within the file is accomplished by pressing the ? key, typing in the word you want to find, and pressing Enter to search backward. Replace the ? key with the / key and you can search forward.

Finding Information

There are various methods you can use to search for information on a Linux system.

Explore File Differences

The “diff” command allows for line by line comparisons of two files, line by line with the following syntax:

diff [OPTION]…

With the diff utility you can perform a variety of comparisons. In addition, you can format the output to make the results easier for viewing.   The table below shows a few of the more commonly used options.

-e-edCreates an ed script, used to make the first file
compared the same as the second file compared.
-q–briefIf files are different, issue a simple message
highlighting this.
-r–recursiveCompare any subdirectories within the original directory
tree, and consecutively compare their contents and
the subdirectories as well (recursive).
-s–report-identical-filesIf files are the same, issue a simple message notifying
the user of this.
-W n–width nDisplay a width maximum of n characters for output.
-y–side-by-sideDisplay output in two columns.

In the image below, you can view files side by side to see difference quickly, modify the diff command’s output to display the files in a column format with he -y (or –side-by-side) option a. The pipe symbol (|) divides the second file’s lines from those in the first file when there is a difference between the contents of the line.

diff command linux
Comparing files with the “diff” command in Linux.

The diff utility provides more than just differences. It also denotes what needs to be appended, changed, or deleted to make the first file identical to the second file. To see the exact differences between the files and any needed modifications, remove the -q switch.

Diff two files
Using the “diff” command to see the difference between two files and what changes need to be made in order to bring them to parity.

Pinpoint Commands

Commands that quickly locate (pinpoint) files allow  you to:

  • Determine if a specific utility is installed on your system
  • Locate a configuration file
  • Find documentation,
whereis which linux
Usage of the whereis and which commands in Linux.

The image above shows the use of both the “which” and “whereis” commands

  • The “ls” command shows the full path name of a shell command passed as an argument.  In this case, the “which” command is used to find the “ls” command’s program location and displays the full path name of /usr/bin/ls. The which command is also handy for quickly determining if a command is using an alias.
  • The “whereis” utility locates a command’s program binaries as well as source code files and manual pages.   In the image above we used the “whereis” command to searches for program binaries, source code files, and manual pages for the ls, cat and diff utilities.

The “locate” utility  searches the database, mlocate.db in the /var/lib/mlocate/ directory to determine if a particular file exists on the local system. The  syntax for the locate command is:

locate [OPTION]… …

The “locate” command uses a pattern list to find files so you can use partial  names and regular expressions and case insensitivity to search.  One issue you might find with the “locate” command related newly created/downloaded files. The “locate “utility is based on the mlocate.db database, not the virtual directory structure is typically updated only one time per day via the via the updatedb utility and  a cron job. Therefore, if the file is newly created, locate won’t find it.   You can run updatedb manually if you need to find a newly created file.  The table below highlights the most popular options for the command.

-A–allDisplay file names that match all the patterns, instead
of displaying files that match only one pattern in the
pattern list.
-b–basenameDisplay only file names that match the pattern and
do not include any directory names that match the
-c–countDisplay only the number of files whose name matches
the pattern instead of displaying file names.
-i–ignore-caseIgnore case in the pattern for matching file names.
-q–quietDo not display any error messages, such as permission
denied, when processing.
-r–regexp RUse the regular expression, R, instead of the pattern list to
match file names.
-w–wholenameDisplay file names that match the pattern and include any
directory names that match the pattern. This is default

To find a file with the locate command, just simply enter locate followed by the file name. If the file is on your system and you have permission to view it, the locate utility will display the file’s directory path and name.   As he locate command’s is simply a list, you can add additional patterns to it, just separate them with a space.  If you do not have permission to view a directory’s contents, the locate command cannot show files that match your search pattern if they are in that directory.

locate command Linux
Using the locate command in Linux to locate files/folders named “Document”.

When you use the “locate” command PATTERN, be aware of the utility’s default pattern file globbing, which occurs when using wildcards with file name argument; the result is that the file name expands into multiple names.  By default, “locate” adds wildcards to the pattern; if you just want to search for the base name of a file, with no file globbing, you must add quotation marks (single or double) around the pattern and precede the pattern with the \ character.   The image below shows what would happen if you allow the default file globbing to occur. Too many files are displayed for the search to be useful

linux locate -b option
Using the locate command in Linux with the “-b” option to include file names that have ruby in them.

In the image below, we turned file globbing off with the use of quotation marks and the \ character.

linux locate command
Searching for the base name “ruby” with no file globbing by adding quotation marks round the pattern and then preceding the pattern with the “\” character.

Using Intricate Pinpoint Commands

The use of simple commands doesn’t work well when you need to find files based on things such as metadata. but here are commands that can help.  The “find” command allows locating of  files based on data, such as who owns the file, when the file was last modified, permission set on the file, and etc with the following syntax:


The PATH argument is a starting point directory, because you designate a starting point in a directory tree to search through recursively for the object in question; Alternatively,  use a single period (.) to use the working directory as the starting point.  Options for the “find” command handle such items as following or not following links and debugging.  You can have a file deleted or a command executed if a particular file is located. See the find utility’s man page for more information on these features.

The EXPRESSION argument and its preceding OPTION control the application of  metadata filters and limitations to the search.  The table below highlights some of the options and expression you can use.

-cminnDisplay names of files whose status changed
n minutes ago.
-emptyDisplay names of files that are empty and are
a regular text file or a directory.
-gidnDisplay names of files whose group id is equal
to n.
-groupnameDisplay names of files whose group is name.
inumnDisplay names of files whose inode number is
equal to n.
-maxdepthnWhen searching for files, traverse down into the
starting point directory’s tree only n levels.
-mminnDisplay names of files whose data changed n
minutes ago.
-namepatternDisplay names of files whose name matches pattern.
Many regular expression arguments may be used
in the pattern and need to be enclosed in quotation
marks to avoid unpre- dictable results. Replace -name
with -iname to ignore case.
-nogroupDisplay names of files where no group name exists for
the file’s group ID.
-nouserDisplay names of files where no username exists for
the file’s user ID.
-permmodeDisplay names of files whose permissions matches
mode. Either octal or symbolic modes may be used.
-sizenDisplay names of files whose size matches n.
Suffixes can be used to make the size more
human readable, such as G for gigabytes.
-usernameDisplay names of files whose owner is name.

Now let’s look at some examples of using the command.

find command linux
Using the “find” command in Linux.

The first example in the image above look for files in the current working directory’s tree with a “.txt” file extension. Notice the use of quotation marks with the -name option’s pattern in order to avoid unpredictable results. In the next example, a -maxdepth option is added so that the find utility searches only two directories: the current directory and one subdirectory level down.  You can use the “find” command to audit your system on a regular basis ;  audit the /usr/bin directory is being audited for the potentially dangerous SUID permission by using the find utility and its -perm option. The expression used is /4000, which will ask the find utility to search for SUID settings (octal code 4) and, due to the forward slash (/) in front of the number, ignore the other file permissions (octal codes 000).

After working through this section,  knowing how to manage, files, directories and text in Linux will be valuable tool in your command-line tool belt

Summary: How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux

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