How to Optimize The Performance of Your Computer Network

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In this article, we are going to look at different rationale for optimizing networks.

Latency Sensitivity Application

  • Certain real time services are more sensitive to latency.
  • Streaming data packets
  • VOIP, video, RDP
  • Methods for optimizing the network to help with latency sensitivity.

High Bandwidth Applications

Applications that generate a lot of network traffic.  Not latency sensitive, but use a lot of resources.  These include:

  • Video/music streaming
  • File streaming
  • Cloud applications
    • When people try to use cloud applications they are using remote resources, so that requires networks
  • Want to track down the sources of high bandwidth uses.

Quality of Service

  • Ensures priority of latency sensitive packets
  • Built into network devices

Traffic Shaping

  • Can delay less important traffic
  • Makes the most of available bandwidth by throttling certain data streams
  • May be on the user end or the ISP end.

Load Balancing

  • Load balancing distributes workload across multiple devices.
  • The user experience must be as transparent as possible.
  • Load balancing methodology: 
    • Round robin between servers
      • May not be the best solutions in situation where requests vary in the amount of work they require
    • Least connections
      • Use the server that is least busy.
    • Fastest response
      • Use the server with the fastest response time.
    • Weighted round robin
      • Devices are weighted based on operational capacity


Important statistic to administrators.  An IT infrastructure doesn’t live in a bubble, it is there to server end users, so we need to make sure we have a large up time.

  • Percentage of time services are available
    • Needs vary
    • Check SLA
      • Standard Lease Agreement guarantees a level of uptime 
  • May include several computers
    • Redundancy
      • Want to minimize single points of failure
    • Power back up
    • Secondary Internet
    • Backup sites

High Availability

Translates into a high uptime.   Uses a 24 hour, 365 day calendar to calculate:

90% uptime equals  36.5 Days  of downtime/year ==>  16.8 hours/week

99%  uptime equals 3.6 Days of downtime/year ==> 5.04 hours/week

99.9% uptime equals 8.76 hours of downtime/year ==> 10.1 minutes/week

Caching Engines

Devices/software that allow network to save frequently used resources to provide rapid access.  These include:

  • Load Balancers
  • Proxy Servers
    • Can act as a cache for certain websites
  • Local Cache
    • Computers have a local DNS cache to save time.
    • Need to consider refresh time of caching with regards to resource refreshing.

Improves connection speed and reduces strain as there is less distance needed to service a request.

Fault Tolerance

  • Having fail over devices available if something goes off line
  • May be less robust than primary device, but maintains network connections
  • Preferably automatic
    • Routers, switches, cables
    • UPS, Data back ups, cold/hot sites
    • Configure them to send warning when failover kick in
    • Need to make sure failover devices work
    • Have scheduled outages to make sure backups work


  • Common Access Redundancy Protocol.
  • Allows multiple host share IP.
  • Transparent fault tolerance.
  • Each device has shared IP address and private IP address for management.
  • Can be failover or load balanced.
  • Need to make sure failover devices work.
  • Have to have a fake outages to make sure system works.

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