How to Troubleshoot a Network Problem

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In order to troubleshoot a network problem, you want to follow a standardized process we call the “Troubleshooting Theory”. You do not want to rush headlong into a problem, but rather have a systematic approaching.

How to Identify a Networking Problem

Troubleshooting theory begins with identifying a problem. While it may be a blinding flash of the obvious, it is sometimes harder than it seems as there can be confounding factors and sometimes the symptoms you are experiencing are not being caused by what you originally think was causing them. It typically involves:

  • Gathering information
    • What was going on?
    • Was this the first time?
    • Any recent changes?
  • Identifying symptoms
    • Any warning lights?
    • Often confused with being the “problem”.
  • Question users
    • Talk to more than one user if possible.
    • If a networked machine, talk to network admins
  • Determine recent changes
    • Ask network admins

How Do I Establish a Theory of Probable Cause of a Networking Problem

  • Research
    • Read documentation
      • From either help desk or the developer of the technology.
      • Online forums
    • Say we have determined, after information gathering, that the user can’t access the internet or internal network   We ask if this was the first time and identify some symptoms
  • Question the obvious
    • Check the most logical solutions
    • Do not jump to conclusions unless there is something very recent that could be the cause.
  • Have a “hypothesis”
    • Work off of a hypothesis, even if not %100 sure.  Testing the hypothesis allows you to rule out what “isn’t” the cause of the issue.
    • Attempt to eliminate the most causes of the problem with the least amount of work.  These are often the fastest to eliminate.

Test Theory to Determine Cause and Establish a Plan of Action

Once theory is confirmed:

  • Determine next steps.
  • Determine how to fix.

If theory is not confirmed:

  • Create new theory.
  • Escalate the issue.

Identify Effects of Plan of Action

  • Every action has an equal and opposite effect.
    • Not really, this isn’t thermodynamics, but keep it mind that your actions often have unintended consequences.
    • Always back stuff up (data/settings/configuration) before making changes.
    • Understand that some of your changes have cascading effects that have to be accounted for.
  • Document plan of action step by step.
    • May not be able to fully execute
    • Determine next steps

Implement Solution and Verify Functionality

  • Carry out steps for solution.
  • Escalate as needed.

When to Escalate a Network Problem

When you don’t have the privileges or knowledge to manage the problem.

Verify Functionality and Perform Preventative Measures

  • Verify initial issue is fixed.
  • No new issues caused.
  • Hold on to configuration/data.
  • Perform preventative measures.
    • Prevent issue from happening again.
    • Lock settings.
    • Check for faulty equipment.

Documenting Your Troubleshooting Findings, Actions and Outcomes

  • Should be documenting from the start
    • Symptoms
    • Causes
    • Troubleshooting
    • Discovered issues
    • Resolution
  • Write clearly
  • Avoid skipping steps and acronyms
  • Remember, you are not writing documentation  for yourself.

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