Linux File and Text Management FAQ

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Linux File and Text Management FAQ

Secur put together a handy Linux file and text management FAQ to help you out when studying for the COMPTIA Linux + test.  If you have the time, be sure to read the  full article How to Manage Files, Directories and Text in Linux.

What are the basic Linux commands for handling files and directories?

Basic file and directory management activities in Linux  include:

  • Commands for viewing/creating files
    • ls: views a file’s name and its various metadata.
    • touch: Allows the creation of empty files. This command’s primary purpose in life is to update a file’s timestamps—access and modification.
    • mkdir: Creates a directory.
  • Commands for copying and moving files:
    • mv
    • cp If you use the “cp” command and the destination file name is missing, the source file will not be copied.
    • rsync: For local large file copies, the rsync utility is typically the fastest.
  • Commands for deleting files:
    • rm: A good rule is to always a good idea to use the -i (or ––interactive) option to ensure that you are not deleting the wrong file without confirming your intentions.
    • rmdir: For directories full of files,  use the “rm -r” command.
    • To ensure that you are removing the correct files, be sure to use the -i option on the rm utility.

What are the structures involved in linking files in Linux?

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What are the commands for linking files in Linux?

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Which Linux utilities can you use to read text files?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What are the different ways to find information on a Linux system?

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